December 22


Clicks but No Conversions? Here’s What You Need To Know

Have you ever experienced putting a lot of money into an advertising campaign only to get little return on your investment?


It’s frustrating and disturbing, to say the least when something like this happens. It’s simple to point the finger at your ad campaign’s strategy or structure, and that’s fair enough in some cases. However, your website and landing pages may be the source of the problem. If you are receiving clicks but no conversions or are not making enough purchases to break even, it may be time to consult with an online marketing company about your campaign and website.

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When it comes to generating high-quality traffic to a website, Google AdWords has a proven track record of success. However, it may not work for some, especially those who lack a significant understanding of advertisements and campaigns. To prevent getting a lot of clicks but no conversions, you should ensure that your website and marketing efforts are in place.


Two of the most common causes of low conversion rates are ad campaigns that are poorly managed and a website that isn’t performing well.


Now, to discuss a website first. A terrible website doesn’t mean that your website looks or operates poorly. However, it doesn’t do all necessary to increase conversions and build trust in your business. That is why a thorough evaluation of your website is essential.

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Customer experience includes everything from customer service to advertising, packaging, product and service features, usability, and reliability. Because as soon as a potential customer lands on your landing page (as a result of clicking on a sponsored advertisement) they may form an immediate opinion about your company, products, and webpage. This judgment can all influence the range of time a customer spends on the site, the pages they view, and ultimately whether they make a purchase.


Here are the three key points that you should instill in the consumer:


  • Trust in your brand.
  • Faith in your products.
  • Trust in your website.


Note that if a website doesn’t seem and feel trustworthy, no one will buy from it!

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Next is the marketing efforts. Again, an online marketing company is often in charge of this. However, if you’re going to do it independently, ensure that the website traffic is appropriate to your ad campaigns. It is to make sure you don’t end up with unsatisfying outcomes that don’t lead anywhere.


Now, here’s an example of traffic that isn’t related to your site:


Suppose, you are selling a line of fantasy books. “Fantasy books” and “purchase fantasy books” are two of the most relevant and qualifying search terms you may use to get new customers. If, on the other hand, you encounter phrases like “books” or “short tale books,” then you must go further into your campaign to examine how generic and unrelated search terms are leading to the display of your ad.

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Remember that if you’re obtaining traffic that is not appropriate to your target demographic, you may be missing out on substantial sales. But, of course, who wants to get distorted by fake traffic? Larger websites may not bother about a few hundred or thousands of wrong analytics items, but smaller businesses should. Indeed, accurate statistics are critical to understanding your whole web marketing approach.



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