July 19


Custom Packaging Solutions That Will Help You Create Consumer Following

Too few companies spend the time needed to seek out the best packaging solutions. Perhaps they see packaging choices as something to check off while failing to see its potential in a broader sense. A quick survey of the possibilities of smart packaging shows that it can save money, increase attractiveness, extend shelf life, enhance customer satisfaction and engage customers.

A look at one choice, custom printed mylar bags, illustrates the ways this packaging option could lead to a more devoted consumer following. The durability and strength of this material, especially for products in the food, supplement and herbal lines, protect items from moisture and heat, ensuring optimal freshness.

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The option for child-resistant features gives parents added confidence in the product line, especially when it comes to supplements and medicinals. Flexible packaging with beautiful finishes and barrier properties also appeals to the consumer’s desire for quality.

Make Your Product Memorable

Your packaging represents a blank slate upon which you control the narrative. An attractive company logo, colors that pop and other features can help new customers discover your product and also go a long way to retaining established customers. The right packaging materials along with advances in digital printing technology allow you to create a look that will stand out on the store shelf or your e-commerce site.

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With PCR materials, you can tap into the advantages of post-consumer recycled packaging. By using materials that consumers recycle regularly, you take a powerful step toward sustainability, something that will appeal to many of your new and old customers. The benefits of PCR packaging for your company and the planet include the following:

  • It allows for versatility in packaging options
  • It helps the environment without requiring consumer actions
  • It reduces your company’s carbon footprint
  • It reduces materials that go into landfills
  • It matches the quality of regular flexible packaging

Your switch to PCR packaging is a story worth telling, and you can do that right on the pouch or roll stock. Bright colors, earth symbols and some well-chosen words can alert savvy customers to your active role in supporting sustainable practices.

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Creating a Loyal Following

Whether your company is looking for the best frozen food packaging or something that works well for fresh snack foods, you want to be able to engage with your customers. With its ability for low print runs and the rapid adaptability of package designs, you have options that weren’t available just a few years ago. Connected packaging makes it easy to carry on a dialogue with customers, in the form of nimble loyalty and reward programs as well as a unique QR code for every bag.

Digital printing technologies also provide cost-saving opportunities in the form of no plate fees, small minimum orders and turn-around times in as little as 5 to 15 days. These savings when combined with high-quality graphics, durable and sustainable materials and unprecedented versatility, put flexible packaging in a favorable light. It could be the key to helping your company attract and retain customers.

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