May 23


Four Situations When Borrowed Funds Will Not Help The Business

To make money, you need money. Do you agree? At first glance, this statement seems to be true. How to start a business if you don’t have any money? There are situations when an idea cannot be realized without capital, but entrepreneurs often take loans where they could do without them. If you are willing to test your luck and increase your funds then try out TonyBet.

You can’t take out a loan to test an idea

Benefit is primary, marketing is secondary. What people really need will start to be sold without serious injections into advertising and packaging. Spending on promoting a product that is not needed will not grow the product, but only its image.

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Start using free promotion methods, you will definitely understand if the idea has potential. Bring it to a dozen of your friends who are likely to find your product useful, and tell them about it in detail. By the reaction of people, it will become clear whether it is worth spending time and resources on developing an idea.

If there are no people around who need your product, you need to find them. However, the ideal option is to rotate in the circles of potential consumers, this will help to better understand their needs.

And what if without borrowed funds at all? This happens, not all ideas can be implemented using a laptop and a bright head. Sometimes you need basic capital goods to get started, usually, they are expensive. In this case, we recommend using your own savings or property.

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Don’t risk other people’s money with zero entrepreneurial experience

And here we smoothly move on to the next thought. If you’ve always been self-employed and only in charge of your paycheck, your mindset simply isn’t ready for the huge amount of money. How can you, without having such experience, take responsibility for other people’s money? To be honest, it’s just frivolous.

But if there is no experience, and you can’t take borrowed funds, then how can you even start a career as an entrepreneur? The answer is under the first subheading. Look for ideas that you can test for free or with minimal investment that doesn’t look like a cosmic and impossible amount to you.

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Money should be taken only from partners

If the first two might seem obvious, then this idea is already non-trivial. Who are the partners? We call those interested in the development of your business. They are ready to support, and share experience, advice, connections, and ideas that a novice entrepreneur cannot always reach on their own.


Usually, they are not banks. The last one doesn’t care if you succeed in business. They have neither the time nor the inclination to help with advice and ideas. They give money and step aside, not taking part in your affairs. They only care about how carefully you will extinguish the debt.

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Partners do not become soulless and hungry until the money is returned by machines, in extreme cases they will be ready to listen to explanations and move the deadlines. Situations when a slightly later return of funds will be beneficial to everyone.

Do not borrow to solve the problem with money

Not everything can be fixed with money. At the same time, it is reckless to attract borrowed funds for dubious “resuscitation” measures. Dropped sales? Consider what has changed. Maybe a new competitor has appeared who has learned how to make a product of better quality for the same money.

Then additional injections of the budget into advertising companies can become a costly and temporary measure. The consumer will still figure out where it is better to buy. You also need to understand how the competitor managed to establish cheaper production.

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You do not need other people’s money.

You want to test an idea. Better look for free or inexpensive ways to test;

You have no experience in managing capital of this size. There is a risk of not coping with the burden of responsibility for other people’s big money.

You are going to take funds from an ordinary creditor who will only care about the timely repayment of the debt. We need to look for partners.

You want to patch up unresolved deep problems with money. Always remember that a dead horse cannot be revived by anything.

We wish you success in all endeavors!

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