March 26


Achieving Mental Stability: The Best Workouts for Better Health

Our bodies are so organized that they respond to any stress with a physical “hit or run” reaction. The hormones cortisol and adrenaline are released, which increase heart rate and respiration and sharpen reactions. These are needed to defend or flee. When the excess stress hormones are eliminated from the body, the condition normalizes. However, most of today’s stressful situations aren’t “cured” by the “hit or run” method. As a result, excess stress hormones accumulate in the body, destroying our health from within. Just like tasty meals, games at BetAmo, and conversations with your loved ones, fitness will help normalize the hormonal background. Any physical activity neutralizes cortisol and adrenaline, and after it, their production decreases.

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What Workout to Calm the Mind and Soul to Choose

Any physical activity has an anti-stress effect because it distracts and switches our thoughts for a while. During a workout, the body also experiences physical stress. But here it’s positive because it’s short in time and gives an opportunity to unload in movement. When we exercise regularly, the body gets used to bearing all kinds of stress more easily and comes out of it faster. In general, any kind of fitness is good for mental health.

Mind-body Fitness: Pilates, Yoga, Tai Chi

A pronounced anti-stress effect comes from calm training from the mind-body series. They involve immersion in yourself, understanding, and building a dialog with your body. From a physiological point of view, this inhibits the activity of the nervous system and stimulates its departments responsible for relaxation. This means it will be easier for you to maintain your mental health. You should enjoy the exercises, even if they are difficult to perform. Try different types of fitness before you draw conclusions about whether a particular mind-body trend is right for you or not.

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Cardio Fitness: Running, Aerobics, Swimming

Surprisingly, active fitness is also a great calming activity. Our nervous system can be in two states: arousal (stress) and inhibition (relaxation). To stay healthy physically and mentally, we need to be mostly relaxed. Alas, the fate of modern man is to live in constant stress and not to be able to “blow off steam” properly and in time. Physical activity forces the body to expend energy and relax. In the process of intensive training, the brain produces “joy hormones,” endorphins, which increase mood and reduce sensitivity to pain. That’s why we leave the gym calmer and in the mood for a pleasant vacation, and the existing problems no longer look so serious.

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High-intensity Fitness: Crossfit, HIIT, Strength Training

Here, we need to be careful. From a physiological point of view, such fitness will work similarly to cardio training. The problem is the intensity. Physical load at the limit of possibilities will increase the destructive effect of stress. Against this background, there is a risk of injury. If you have an emotionally difficult period, switch to a calmer type of exercise. Or slow down the pace, reduce the working weights, and reduce the number of approaches. And remember that overtraining is the same stress with the same negative consequences.

How to Start Working Out

  • Set small but achievable goals. Start with 10-15 minutes a day and gradually increase the duration and intensity as your fitness improves.
  • Choose an activity that you really enjoy and that suits you. This could be: swimming, yoga, dancing, hiking, or playing sports. If you find an activity that you really enjoy, it will be easier to stick to your workout regimen.
  • Find an exercise partner. Working out with a friend or family member can provide extra motivation and make working out more enjoyable. You’ll be able to support and encourage each other.
  • Make a schedule. Plan your workouts in advance and treat them like important appointments. Consistency is key to forming a habit.
  • Seek advice from a professional. If you’re not sure how to get started, contact a personal trainer or fitness coach who can help you develop a safe and effective workout plan tailored to your physical abilities, needs, and goals.
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Be kind to yourself! Remember that it’s okay if you have setbacks or don’t always reach your goals; snap and start over. Celebrate successes, no matter how small they may be. Encourage yourself and thank yourself for them. Consistency and patience are the keys to sustainable and long-term success.

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