August 24


Understanding the MOBA Games – 2022 Guide

If we need to decide what is the most popular video game genre, that would probably be the multiplayer online battle arena type. It’s also known as MOBA, especially in the eSports circles.

Many players turn to MOBA so they can earn money while playing. That’s why it’s so popular nowadays, especially when integrated with cryptocurrencies and NFTs.

Also, many popular games are a part of this genre, including League of Legends, Dota 2, and Arena of Valor. The best thing is that many creators are inspired by this concept, releasing new projects daily.

Is MOBA related to MMO or MMORPG?

We can say that MOBA games are like cousins to MMO and MMORPG regarding characters and in-game personalities. Also, MOBA can be classified as a sub-genre of MMO. Many people are looking for the moba crypto games game to explore this genre deeper; luckily, developers are dedicated mostly to the mobile experience.

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It’s also a team-based, real-time, and role-playing kind of game, meaning you should find a team to play. Just like the MMO games, it’s based on battlefield maps, with a final goal to win over the opponents.

A Short History of MOBA

The idea for MOBA games appeared in the early 2000s, but it gained mainstream recognizability later in 2008. If you ask where did moba games come from, the answer is that we can blame Starcraft, Sega, and Blizzard for that. Actually, Starcraft was the first to release a game like this, named Aeon of Strife.

Today, the MOBA game market is pretty saturated. Developers and publishers are trying to incorporate as much content as possible, depending on what the game can handle.

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That’s why we have exceptional games like Battlerite, Paragon, Battle for Giostone, Arena of Fate, and many others. You can try some of them, so you can see what are some good moba games. Also, you can adapt to the concept and see what you have to do in every further stage of the game.

Get Familiar With the MOBA Terminology

First, you have to get used to the language MOBA gamers use. For example, AFK means “Away From Keyboard,” but if you are a gamer, you already know this one.

Next, going Back (B) means returning to the spawn point. The Base is the place where the game begins. Carry is the hero who needs to kill the weak enemies during the game’s early stages. Creeps are the creatures who keep the bases safe, and you will have to kill them to obtain territory.

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Diving is one of the riskiest ways to attack someone because you risk the “life” of your character. Feeding the enemy is the process of you dying in the game.

Understand the MOBA roles

Every game has specific rules and unique content to offer. That’s why we need to understand the roles in MOBA games.

For example, ADC or Carry is a hero who started as a weak character. It’s great for the patient gamers who don’t need to hurry anywhere but still want to consume the game contents.

Support heroes are players who want to learn the MOBA game basics. They have a clear vision of what’s happening on the battlefield, helping their teammates to overcome the challenges faster.

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Learn what mid and top laners are and why these characters are great for players who want to learn all the game secrets and fight against the enemies.

Are MOBA Games Available on Mobile Devices?

This is probably the main feature that makes MOBA games different than their PC-oriented relatives. Gamers can access their game using the smartphone without losing anything from the overall experience.

That’s one of the things that make MOBA games so popular nowadays. Also, the controls and commands are simplified enough to fit the concept of mobile gaming. As you progress, your character strengthens, and so do you as a gamer.

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What Future Holds for These Games?

We mentioned a few benefits of playing MOBA games, like the play-to-earn concept and also the play-and-earn approach. Many gamers want to earn money from their hobby, and thanks to the MOBA genre, that’s completely possible.

You have a few options to earn money, including:

  • Playing the game and get rewarded with tokens you can exchange for money
  • Playing and earning as you progress
  • Playing to earn and get paid with tasks accomplished
  • Getting paid to boost some character
  • Getting paid to pass some difficult level
  • Working a full-time job as a game pro booster

So, we can say that the MOBA game developers mostly focus on incorporating the concept of play-to-earn, or even play-and-earn, to make the content more attractive to the audience.

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Knowing that they are including special content like cryptocurrencies and NFTs, we can say that the future of MOBA gaming is pretty bright, and many great things are yet to come.

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