January 17


Wow service area and availability options. All you need to know

If your residence is at a location where the services of WOW are offered, WOW is likely the most significant choice available at your site. The first thing to be considered here is that the price of Wow plans are perfect. Currently, Wow is amongst some of the most affordable cable service providers in the nation of the United States. Their plans are reasonably priced and comfortably outperformed the broadband speeds. Furthermore, Wow does not believe in locking its customers in a long-term agreement or contract. Another advantage with Wow is that you will be awaiting a 30-day money-back promise. If there is a fiber connection at your location, it is always the best option, but WOW residential internet offers a lot.

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Let’s dig a little deeper and understand Wow better:


Advantages of opting for Wow

  • Wow does not believe in tying up the customers in unnecessary contracts. Thus you need not worry about paying a termination fee when you choose to unsubscribe from Wow.
  • No imposition of data cap on the use of Internet
  • Renting an Eero mesh Wi-Fi device is a fantastic option.


Disadvantages of opting for Wow

  • Only available in the Southern and Midwestern regions of the US.
  • If you choose to go for the contract-free options, you will have to pay more every month.


Wow service area

Here’s a complete list of where you may find WOW on the Internet:

  • Auburn, Dothan, Huntsville, Montgomery, and Valley are all in Alabama.
  • Pinellas County and Panama City in Florida
  • Fort Gordon, Augusta, and Columbus are all in Georgia.
  • Chicago and the Chicagoland area are located in the state of Illinois.
  • Evansville, Indiana
  • Mid-Michigan and Detroit are two of the most populous cities in Michigan.
  • Columbus and Cleveland are two cities in Ohio.
  • Charleston, South Carolina
  • Knoxville, Tennessee
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WOW Internet speed

The Wow Internet guarantees its customers that they offer limitless bandwidth and superfast speeds to help you download any file. In the case of Wow, the download speeds on the Internet range from 100 to 1,000 Mbps. Those speeds are ideal for virtually everyone, particularly when you realize that most plans from other Internet providers aren’t significantly less expensive than WOW’s 100 Mbps option.


Absence of data caps

Unlimited data is a significant benefit that WOW provides. The majority of ISPs limit your data consumption to one terabyte (TB). However, WOW does not believe in such a tactic. This is ideal if you work remotely and frequently download huge files (such as PowerPoint presentations and PDFs). Unlimited data is beneficial for 4K or HD TV or downloading schoolwork.

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Fees, contracts, and equipment

WOW It offers a two-year contract or no-contract option, and it is perfect since it rents out mesh Wi-Fi systems. Opting for a new contract plan is the best option. Wow has taken a step in this direction. They do have contractual as well as noncontractual plans for the customers. However, it is dependent on the customer which plans they wish to go for. If you plan to stay with Wow for two years or more, you should go through the contractual plans since you will save up a little. However, if you are unsure about the services of Wow, you should opt for the noncontractual plans and test out the benefits before you decide to opt for the contractual ones. If you choose WOW contract plans at the lower price, you’ll be locked in for two years.

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If you’re planning to sign up for Wow, you will have to purchase or rent out the modem. If you choose to rent the modem, you will have to pay a rental fee of $14.00 every month. This price cannot be said to be an expensive rental fee. However, it is not one of the cheapest ones either.

You can also rent the Wi-Fi system that works on the Eero mesh technology, which is a terrific alternative if you live in a big house with concrete or brick walls. This also gives you the option to set up Wi-Fi on your terrace so you can scroll while relaxing.

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With Wow, you also have the option of using your modem. However, your modem must be compatible. WOW recommends using specific modems depending on the internet speed you have opted for. So, before you have a modem brought to your door, remember to have a look at the compatibility list of Wow modems.


Internet 100 is the best option for budget-conscious households.

It’s best suited for: if you have kids who are Internet-hungry kids and a wallet in desperate need of a rest, you should opt for the Internet 100 package of Wow. The Internet 100 package provides sufficient internet speed to satisfy everyone while still allowing you to sit, relax, and binge-watch Netflix.

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