An online marketing concept encompasses the entirety of your digital activities: from web presence to ads, blog posts and posts in social media channels. Also to advertise Ivi Bet. The range of possibilities is almost infinite, making a clear focus on the most relevant measures all the more important.
In order to keep up in times of digitalization in marketing, you also need a clear online marketing strategy. Only with clear goals and an understanding of how online marketing works will your company be able to hold its own in the long term.
The challenge is that best practices cannot always be applied 1:1 to your business. The products are a lot more complex, the decision-making process takes longer and is increasingly based on facts rather than emotions. Furthermore, the final decision is often made by more than one person and is characterized by personal contact.
Many companies are willing to dive into the world of online marketing, but for the reasons described above, they don’t know where to start. The result is usually some haphazard campaign. But without a plan, it’s no use!
A persona is a fictional representation of your target audience. With a persona, you create a uniform understanding within your company about who your target group is, what topics your target group is concerned with and on which channels they are active. The persona thus forms the basis for a successful online marketing concept.
Especially where there is usually a lot of knowledge about your own customers. Use your data, your experience and create meaningful personas. After clarifying who your target group is and what moves them, the needs of the target group should be matched with your product portfolio. In what areas do you want to be a topic leader? Where does your expertise lie? Focus on these topic clusters and build up your content marketing in selected topic areas.
By creating topic clusters (so-called pillar pages) on your website, you signal to your users as well as to Google where your expertise lies and in which topics you are the expert.
Put together your most important products and services and think about which topics are suitable to lead a user step by step to a purchase.
In a second step, your topic world should be checked for search volume.
Your content will only be found if your customers search for the content you have written or if it contains the right keywords.
An analysis of your existing keywords as well as a keyword research for additional search terms will help you to find the right keywords for your topic.
With the right keywords, you ensure that you appear at the top of the search results of Google & Co. and bring as many suitable users as possible to your website.
Keywords are the basis of search engine marketing and have a great influence on the ranking of your website and thus the click rate of the individual articles.
After the research, the most important topics should be regularly packed into articles and published on your website.
Write the content that interests your target audience and creates value. To do this, for each piece of content, think about what needs your buyer persona has at that moment in the customer journey and how you can help.
With a well thought-out online marketing strategy, you can guide your customer step by step through the customer journey and lay the foundation for a long-term and qualitative customer relationship.
Remember, it is the customer’s intent that matters, not your product or service. The focus should be on creating a first contact and then bringing the user closer to a conversion over time. The created content should now be published and distributed. Specific entry pages on your website are suitable for this, in order to actively guide the users and not to send them to the start page, where they have to completely reorient themselves.